Can Shoulder Bursitis Cause Neck Pain? 5 Things To Know

Woman Wondering Can Shoulder Bursitis Cause Neck Pain

Dealing with both shoulder and neck pain can be incredibly challenging, often making daily activities feel insurmountable. If you’re struggling with these issues, you’ve come to the right place. At Walkerville Physiotherapy, we’re here to help you understand and manage your pain. In this blog, we’ll explore how shoulder bursitis can lead to neck pain … Read more

5 Mistakes That Cause Back Pain In Summer

Man Suffering From Back Pain In Summer

The Australian summer conjures images of sun-soaked days and outdoor adventures. Yet, for those battling back pain, the season’s brightness is overshadowed by discomfort. Instead of seizing the day, you may find yourself grappling with an aching back that turns every movement into a chore. Do you suffer from back pain in summer? This blog … Read more