The Best Shoulder And Neck Strengthening Exercises For Stiff Neck And Shoulders

Have you been suffering from neck and shoulder pain and stiffness that’s so bad it’s keeping you away from doing things you love?  

I appreciate how frustrating and upsetting it is when suddenly you’re not able to do the things that you used to enjoy.  

Maybe your pain is so severe you can’t even do simple daily tasks like driving, working on your computer, or even picking up your kids?  

If this sounds like you, then you should read this blog to find out that there is hope and there are things you can do to get better and get back to doing all the things you love.  

Natural Treatments For Stiff Neck And Shoulders 

If you’re suffering from neck and shoulder pain, then you’ve probably already tried some things that didn’t work or even made your pain worse.  

Whether that’s taking painkillers or trying pain relief creams they advertise on TV, these things won’t give you permanent pain relief as they only mask the symptoms.  

If you’ve tried stretching and that didn’t work either, then you probably did it wrong and ended up in more pain.  

Here are some of the things you can try to ease your pain without painkillers, injections, and other risky solutions.  

Neck And Shoulder Massage  

One of the things that you can try to ease your pain is neck and shoulder massage.  

You may have already tried that at home without any results, but going to a professional massage therapist can improve your condition.  

While neck and shoulder massage can help ease pain in your muscles, it shouldn’t be treated as the primary pain relief remedy.  

It’s worth adding this to your recovery process while you go through physical therapy.  

Neck And Shoulder Pain Relief Exercises 

I understand that you may be a little skeptical and probably the exercises you tried at home made your pain even worse but if you try it with a specialist, you can really get the pain relief that you need.  

Exercises can help with your pain, but they need to be done correctly, so if you tried before and it got worse, that’s probably why.  

There are many great shoulder pain relief exercises that can immediately improve your condition and mobility.  

If you’re suffering from neck pain, then you could try neck strengthening exercises to not only get rid of the pain but also prevent injuries in the future.  

Ice Or Heat For Neck And Shoulders 

Another thing you can try along the shoulder pain relief exercises and neck strengthening exercises is applying ice or heat to the affected area.  

Ice is great for immediate relief from pain, and it can reduce redness or swelling. It’s often used by athletes after a long training.  

Heat increases your blood circulation which instantly relaxes your stiff joints and muscles and brings you the feeling of relaxation and relief.  

Remember to wrap an ice pack or a heating pad in a towel before applying it to your neck or shoulder to avoid hurting yourself.  

The Best Treatment For Neck And Shoulder Pain  

While the shoulder pain relief exercises can help you reduce the pain and symptoms, you need to know how to do them correctly to be able to get better.  

The same goes for neck strengthening exercises which can only ever help you if you’re doing the stretches 100% right.  

Other remedies like neck and shoulder massage, heat, or ice are useful as an addition to your treatment but won’t give you permanent relief.  

The best natural treatment for stiff neck and shoulders is physical therapy with an expert who can guide you through your recovery and give you a personalized treatment plan.  

As the best physical therapist in the area with years of experience, I’ve been able to get the results with my patients who suffered from stiffness in their neck and shoulders.  

I can help you get back to health using only natural treatments that are tailored to your specific needs.  

If you want to get better but are not sure whether physical therapy is right for you, why don’t you come and see us at the clinic? 

We offer a free mid-winter check-in where we can see you in person, hear your story, and understand better how we can get you back to where you want to be.  

Is Your Neck Pain Getting Worse As Time Goes On? 

Neck pain can be excruciating and prevents you from getting things done around the house or even taking part in family activities.

Here at Walkerville Physiotherapy, we want to get you back to living your life to the fullest, pain-free and as you were before the neck pain took control. This is why throughout August we’re offering our patients the opportunity to come in for a Mid-Winter Check-In.

During your Mid-Winter Check-In, you can come into our Walkerville clinic and talk to a member of our physiotherapy team, ask any questions you have regarding your pain and find out the next best steps you can take to become pain-free!

Don’t suffer in silence! So arrange your Mid-Winter Check-In by filling in our simple web form or call us at 8342 5544.

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